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2015SCDUMF 39
(Modification of expenses in small claim summary cause SA475/14)
DUMFRIES: April 2015
Act: Ian McNaught (pursuer’s husband), Authorised Lay Representative
Alt: Party represented by Whitelaw, CAB, Authorised Lay Representative
The sheriff, having resumed consideration of the cause, and in terms of general regulation 5(a) of the Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment and Further Provisions) 1993, grants the defender’s motion made at the diet for approval of expenses on 9 April 2015 to the extent of modifying the pursuer’s expenses to the sum of £150.00, grants final decree in terms of rule 21.6(10) of the Small Claims Rules 2002 finding the defender liable pay to the pursuer the sum of £325.00 Sterling with interest thereon at the rate of 8% a year from 19 September 2014 with expenses of £150.00.
Sheriff George Jamieson
Percentage reduction
1. of a value from £1,000 to £2,500
2. of a value of less than £1,000
No such motion was made and the interlocutor makes no direction that the percentage reduction of 50% in this case, the value of the claim being less than £1,000, should not have applied to the assessed expenses.
[1] Sheriff Courts (Scotland) Act 1971, “1971 Act”, section 35(2)
[2] Actions for aliment, defamation and personal injury are excluded from the definition of small claim: Small Claims (Scotland) Order 1988, articles 2(a) and 2A
[3] Small Claims (Scotland) Order 1988, article 2 (a)
[4] The rules do not apply if a defender has not stated a defence: 1971 Act, section 36B (3) (a) (i).
[5] The rules do not apply in relation to an appeal to the sheriff principal: 1971 Act, section 36B (3).
[6] Small Claims (Scotland) Order 1988, article 4(2)
[7] Small Claims (Scotland) Order 1988, article 4(3)(a)
[8] Small Claims (Scotland) Order 1988, article 4(3)(b)
[9] 1971 Act, section 36B (3) (a) (ii)
[10] 1971 Act, section 36B (3) (a) (iii)
[11] 1971 Act, section 36B (3) (b)
[12] Small Claim Rules 2002, rule 21.6(2)
[13] Small Claim Rules 2002, rule 21.6(4); 1975 Act, section 1(2)
[14] Act of Sederunt (Expenses of Party Litigants) 1976, rule 2(1) as amended by Act of Sederunt (Expenses of Party Litigants) (Amendment) 1983, rule 2(a)
[15] The defender received incorrect advice from the sheriff clerk’s department to lodge a minute for recall of this decree. As it is not competent to recall a decree by default in a small claim, this minute was not proceeded with by the defender; he did, however, put the pursuer’s representative to the expense of attending the hearing on that minute of recall.
[16] General regulation 14(f) does not apply to personal injury claims.
[17] Part III of Chapter IV of the 1993 Act of Sederunt was the applicable statutory table of fees. Part III applies to defended summary causes (other than personal injury actions) raised on or after 10 June 2002 and the current Part III, applicable to this claim, was inserted into the 1993 Act of Sederunt by the Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 2014, paragraph 3(5)(b) and schedule 7; Part III was previously numbered Part II but was renumbered Part III by the Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment No. 4) 2002, rule 2(3)(b).
[18] As amended by Act of Sederunt (Expenses of Party Litigants) (Amendment) 1983, rule 2(a).The sheriff clerk amended the fees element to 75% in accordance with Act of Sederunt (Expenses of Party Litigants) 1976, rule 2(1) (a) as amended by Act of Sederunt (Expenses of Party Litigants) (Amendment) 1983, rule 2 (a); the pursuer was apparently incorrectly informed by the sheriff clerk’s office that the party litigant restriction was 50% of the fees which a solicitor could charge.
[19] General regulation 11, second sentence previously provided for 12% posts and incidents. This was repealed by Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1998, rule 2(4).
[20] Small Claim Rules 2002, rule 21.6(1)
[21] Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment and Further Provisions) 1993, general regulation 2; this also applies in a summary cause where the sum decerned for is within the small claim limit.
[22] Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment and Further Provisions) 1993, general regulation 14(f); this general regulation does not apply to personal injury claims.