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Held (following Allan v. Allan, 28th Feb. 1872, 10 Macph. 510) that objections to the admission of an applicant to the benefit of the poor roll, on the ground that his circumstances do not entitle him to that benefit, must be stated when the application is moved in the Single Bills, and before a remit is made to the reporters on probabilis alma.
The 2d section of the Act of Sederunt of 21st December 1842 provides that no person shall he entitled to the benefit of the poor roll unless he shall produce a certificate from the minister and two elders of the parish where he resides, setting forth his other circumstances according to a formula annexed to the Act. The 3d section makes provision for party making a declaration before the minister and elders respecting his circumstances. Section 4 provides that ten days' previous intimation, by letter post paid, shall be given to the adverse party of the time and place fixed for making the declaration or statement before the minister and elders. By section 5 it is further provided “that said declaration of the party and certificate of the minister and elders, with the certificate of intimation to the adverse party, shall be transmitted, free of expense, to one of the agents for conducting the causes for the poor for the time, and shall, at the distance of not more than three months from the date of the declaration, and as much sooner as circumstances will permit, be lodged, with an inventory thereof, in the office of one of the principal Clerks of Session; and if the same shall appear to him or his assistant to be correct, notice thereof shall be forthwith entered in the minute-book in the form of the intimation at present given on applications for admission to the benefit of the poor's roll; and on the elapse of eight days after the date of insertion in the minute-book, or of four days next after publication of the printed minute-book containing said intimation, if the papers have been lodged during vacation or recess, the party's agent shall box a note to the Lord President of the Division, simply stating the names and designations of the parties, and craving a remit to the reporters on the probabilis causa; on moving which the Court may, on hearing any objections, either refuse the application de plane, or remit to the reporters, who, on considering the parties' case and hearing all objections, shall report whether the applicant has a probabilis causa litigandi and otherwise merits the benefit of the poor's roll,” &c.
James Douglas being desirous of admission to the roll for the purpose of pursuing an action
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against James M'Veigh, appeared, after due intimation as prescribed by sec. 4 above quoted, before the minister and elders of his parish and made the required declaration as to the state of his circumstances. Thereafter notice thereof was duly given in the minute-book and a remit to the reporters craved for under sec. 5. Neither before the minister and elders nor at the moving of the remit to the reporters was any objection offered to the applicant's admission to the poor roll. Their Lordships of the First Division therefore remitted in common form to the reporters on the probabilis causa litigandi, “to report whether the applicant has a probabilis causa litigandi.” M'Veigh then appeared before the reporters and objected that the applicant was not entitled to be admitted to the poor roll in respect that he had means of support which he had not disclosed to the minister and elders. The reporters declined to consider the objection, and reported that the applicant had a probabilis causa. Douglas then moved to be found entitled to the benefit of the roll, and for a remit to counsel and agent to conduct the case. M'Veigh appeared and objected, on the ground that the applicant had not truly disclosed the state of his affiairs, and was not entitled to the benefit of the roll. The applicant argued that the objection came too late, founding on Allan v. Allan, Feb. 28, 1872, 10 Macph. 510; M'Gill v. Bell's Trustees, Feb. 5, 1876, 3 R. 427; Key v. M'Intosh, June 15, 1878, 5 R. 524.
At advising—
The other Judges concurred.
The Court admitted the applicant to the benefit of the poor roll.
Counsel for Applicant— Sym. Agent— T. M'Naught, S.S C.
Counsel for Objector— J. M. Gibson. Agent— W. S. Harris, L. A.