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A party charged on a bill of exchange by parties who had acquired it by indorsation without recourse, alleged that if his subscription as acceptor of the bill was genuine it was originally adhibited to one of a number of blank bills which he had granted to the indorsers, and as, since his sequestration, he had had no dealings with the indorsers, that the filling up of the bill was fraudulent. Held that proof of these allegations of fraud was not restricted to writ or oath, the words on the bill “without recourse” presuming that the indorsees had made all proper inquiry as to the acceptor.
Observed by Lord Benholme, that the indorsation “without recourse” showed that the indorsees were conjunct and confident persons with the indorsers.
The suspender of this charge on a bill for a £100 is a spirit merchant in Edinburgh, and the chargers are watchmakers in Glasgow. The bill is dated 14th February 1867. It bears the signature of the suspender as acceptor, of Macnab & Co. as drawers, and the chargers, the present holders, are indorsees of Macnab & Co., the back of the bill bearing the words “Indorsed without recourse on Macnab & Co.” It was averred by the suspender that if the signature to the bill was genuine it had been fraudulently obtained, or turned to a fraudulent use. He stated that he had been sequestrated and discharged in 1866; that, prior to his sequestration, he had given to his brother-in-law, Pater Macnab, of the firm of Macnab & Ritchie, ironmongers, Edinburgh, some blank bill stamps; that he had had no dealings with his said brother-in-law or his firm since his sequestration; and that, on the assumption that the signature was genuine, the document in question must have been written upon one of these blank bill stamps which were given before his sequestration. He further averred that John Barnett & Co., the indorsees, well knew that the bill had been turned to a fraudulent use when they accepted of the indorsation without recourse upon Macnab & Co.
Lord Jerviswoode allowed a proof of the allegations of fraud, remarking that the matter was one of some difficulty.
Barnett & Co. reclaimed, and craved that it it should be held that the proof of suspender's allegations should be limited to writ or oath.
Counsel were heard, and the bill was produced
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Gifford and Asher for reclaimers.
Campbell Smith, and M'Lennan for respondent.
At advising—
The Court adhered, with expenses.
Solicitors: Agents for Reclaimers— White-Millar & Robson, S.S.C.
Agent for Respondent— W. Milne, S.S.C.