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A pursuer of an action of damages for slander who obtained a farthing of damages from a jury, found entitled to expenses.
Watson, for the pursuer, moved the Court to apply the verdict of the jury in this case, and in terms thereof to decern against the defender for the sum of one farthing. He also moved for expenses.
J. H. A. Macdonald, for the defender, opposed the motion for expenses, on the ground that a full retractation had been made on record. He cited
Arrol v. King, 24th November 1855,
18 D. 98;
Rae v. M'Lay, 20th November 1852,
15 D. 30; and
Gardener v. M'Kenzie and Others, 24th June 1846,
8 D. 859.
Court thought there was nothing to take this case out of the general rule. On the contrary, some things occurred in the course of the evidence especially in the evidence of the person who wrote the article, which showed that clearance by a jury was a proper thing for the pursuer to insist upon.
Solicitors: Agents for Pursuer—
Neilson & Cowan, W. S.