[1750] 1 Elchies 128
Subject_1 FACTOR.
Lady Gordon's Claims on the Eastate of Tarpersie
1750 ,Nov .2 .
Case No.No. 8.
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Lady Harriez Gordon's claim was objected to because only signed by her factor, who had no special factory to enter such claim, which we repelled, because he had a factory to pursue and recover this very debt, and had before the Rebellion obtained a decreet before the Court of Session in his own name. As to Henry Lumsdean,—repelled the objection to his claim that it was for bills granted after 1742, and gave the like judgment on the claim of Ann Stewart, mother-in-law to the forfeiting person. But as to Robert Barron's claim on bills after 24th June 1745, we superseded determining the objection on the vesting act
till 9th November, and after hearing at the Bar, we found the claim on this bill could not be sustained. The only thing that satisfied me was the act 4to Geo. I. telling the meaning of the act 1mo Geo. I. the enquiry act, which is in the same words with the last vesting act. Renit. Dun
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