Subject_1 DECISIONS of the LORDS OF COUNCIL AND SESSION, reported by SIR JOHN LAUDER OF FOUNTAINHALL. Subject_2 This week I sat in the Outer-House, and so the observes are the fewer.
Cunningham of Boquhan v. The Laird of Leckie
Date: 2 February 1699
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The Laird of Leckie, having procured a visitation of the Presbytery of Stirling, in 1687, of the church of Gargunnock, he was permitted to erect a loft above Cunningham of Boquhan's seat in that church, which darkened and obscured his sight; and Boquhan, procuring a new visitation since the Revolution, to get himself redressed of the injury done him, because he was of the Presbyterian persuasion, and Leckie having raised an advocation, the Lords, by an act, before answer, took trial of the affair;—and this day, advising the probation, Found sundry encroachments had been made on Boquhan's seat and burial place, and the scutcheons of his family removed, and stoops posted on their graves, &c.: Therefore reduced that visitation; and ordained the loft to be taken down, and the church to be put in the same case it was in before; and, lest there should be any opposition, commanded the Sheriff of Stirling to see it executed; and, if he were remiss in doing it betwixt and the 20th of February, then appointed letters of horning to be directed against him for that effect.