[1685] Mor 6687
Subject_2 SECT. IV. Who must satisfy Production. - What terms allowed for Production. What incumbent on the Defender. - What his Privileges.
Scot of Bassenden
1685 .November .
Case No.No 107.
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In an improbation, compearance to stop certification by production being made for one who pretended to be apparent heir to the defunct, whose writs were called for,
It was alleged for the pursuer; That such a one had no interest to produce writs to stop the certification, he neither being heir served, nor his apparency notour.
Answered; An apparent heir has interest to stop certification; and the defender offers him to prove, that he is holden and reputed sanguine proximus to the defunct, who died many years ago ultra bominis memoriam.
The Lords allowed the probation ad hunc effectum; and it being proved, that the defender was holden and reputed sanguine proximus to the defunct, they sustained his interest to produce what writs he could to stop certification.
The electronic version of the text was provided by the Scottish Council of Law Reporting