George Heriot v. Andro Libertoun and Williame Thomson his Curatouris
1564.July. Case No. No. 47.
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Curatouris beand chosin befoir ane Judge, and gevin to ane minor, and thair-efter wastand or destroyand the minoris landis, gudis and geir, or sufferand the samin negligentlie to perish or decay, to his heavie hurt and skaith, may be callit and persewit be the minor at ony time befoir the ische and out-ryning of thair office of curatorie, or thairefter, for the damnage and skaith sustenit be him thair-throw: Bot gif he wald persew thame befoir his perfyte age of xxi zeiris, he may not, without the assistance of uther curatouris, be ressoun of his non-age: Thair-foir he may call thame befoir a Judge, to se thame revokit and removit fra all farther administratioun, for the cause foirsaid; and the samin beand sufficientlie provin, he may revoke the said curatouris chosin be him of befoir, and befoir the Judge may choose and elect utheris curatouris in thair places, for guyding and reuling of him be thair counsall, assistance, and defence, in quhatsumever his actiounis and busines, until his perfyte age of xxi zeiris.