Subject_1 NON-ENTRY.
Subject_2 SECT. I. Non-entry duties how ascertained. - In what holdings does Non-entry take place. Takes place until actual infeftment. But not if the superior be in mora.
Date: The Queen and Walter Douglas
Ucthrid Macdougal
14 February 1554
Case No.No 6.
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Gif ony persoun's retour, infeftments, or sasine, be lauchfullie reducit, the landis contenit thairin ar in the samin estait and conditioun as gif the samin retour, infeftment, or sasine had never bene gevin or maid; and thairfoir the samin landis ar in the superiouris handis be ressoun of non-entres, fra the time of the ishe of the last sufficient sasine standand zit unreducit, untill the lauchful entrie of ane richteous air to the saidis landis.
The electronic version of the text was provided by the Scottish Council of Law Reporting