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Gif the tutor testamentar happin to deceis, or renunce his office of tutorie, the narrest agnate or kinnisman on the fatheris syde to the pupill, within zeir and day efter his deceis or renunciatioun, may rais ane breif, and be servit and retourit tutour of law to the pupill; quhilk gif he do, he aucht and sould bruik and joise the office of tutorie, and have the keiping of the pupillis persoun, and administratioun of his gudis and geir, during the time of the tutorie: And gif ony persoun obtenis of the King ane gift of tutorie dative within the said zeir and day, he on na wayis sould be admittit to the office of tutorie, nor preferrit to the said tutor of law; because the King may not dispone the office of tutorie dative to ony persoun, untill the compleit ische and out-rynning of ane zeir and day efter the deceis or renunciatioun of the tutor testamentar; bot that beand by-past, be may do the samin, and provide for ane tutor to the pupill, that he be not destitute of ane guyder and governour.