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Ane beand servit tutor lauchfull, be ane breif to ane pupill, and thairthrow tending to intromet with the pupillis landis, gudis and geir, may be chairgit to find sufficient cautioun, gif the pupill, or ony uther in his name, meanis thame to the Lordis tharinent; and all and sindrie the tenentis and occupiaris of the pupillis land is, heritage, takkis, steidingis or possessiounis, and all uther intromettouris with his gudis and geir, and annualrentis, may in like manner be dischargit to answer and obey the said tutor in his office of tutorie, nather pay to him ony of the said pupillis maillis, fermis, dewteis, or utheris gudis, unto the time he find sufficient cautioun and sovertie befoir the Lordis of Counsall, that he sall mak and give to the pupill, being at his perfyte age of fourtene zeiris, just compt, rekning and payment of all gudis, maillis, fermis, proffeitis, and dewteis pertening to the pupill, that he sall happin to intromet with be vertew of his office of tutorie.