[1541] Mor 10849
Subject_2 DIVISION III. What Title requisite in the Positive Prescription.
Subject_3 SECT. VII. What Title requisite for Thirlage?
Date: Mr Alexander Ogilvie
Tenants of N
14 March 1541
Case No.No 111.
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Gif ony man clamis thirlit multuris of ane uther, he aucht and sould libel ane titill, quhairby he sould have the samen; because, albeit ane, of his awin free motive will, be in use to cum and grind his corn at ane uther man's miln, and pay multure thairfoir, he sould not thairby be astrictit to pay ony thirlit multure; quia, ex actu mere voluntario, etiam per centum annos, non inducrtue consuetudo, nec jus alteri acquiritur.
*** Sinclair reports this case. 1541. March 13.—In a cause moved by Mr Alexander Ogilvie against certain tenants, for spoliation from him of their thirle multures, the libel was cassen, because the said Mr Alexander libelled not the title whereby he claimed the said multures to pertain to him, and ex sola consuetudine utendi ad molendinum alienum dominus illius molendini non potest protendere jus in multuras, nec cogi potest nolens venire in posterum; quia, ex actu mere voluntatis, etiam per centum annos, non inducetur consuetudo, nec alteri jus acquiritur; and so jura hæc incorporalia et servitutes non possunt sine titulo possideri.
The electronic version of the text was provided by the Scottish Council of Law Reporting