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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> WILLS (SOLDIERS AND SAILORS) ACT 1918

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Validity of testamentary dispositions of real property made by soldiers and sailors.

3.(1) A testamentary disposition of any real estate in England or Ireland made
by a person to whom section eleven of the Wills Act, 1837, applies, and who
dies after the passing of this Act, shall, notwithstanding that the person
making the disposition was at the time of making it under [eighteen years] of
age or that the disposition has not been made in such manner or form as was at
the passing of this Act required by law, be valid in any case where the person
making the disposition was of such age and the disposition has been made in
such manner and form that if the disposition had been a disposition of
personal estate made by such a person domiciled in England or Ireland it would
have been valid.

(2) ...

Power to appoint testamentary guardians.

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