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Regulations as to prevention of waterway pollution.

12.(1) The Ministry may by regulations made subject to negative resolution
make such provision as appears to it expedient

(a)for prohibiting or restricting the washing or cleansing in waterways of
things of any class or description, or the putting into waterways of litter or
other objectionable matter, whether poisonous, noxious or polluting or not;

(b)for prohibiting or restricting the keeping or use on waterways of vessels
provided with sanitary appliances from which polluting matter passes or can
pass into the waterway.

(2) Regulations made under subsection (1) may include provisions making
persons guilty of an offence where there is a contravention of the regulations
and for the imposition of penalties on summary conviction of an offence.

(3) Schedule 2 shall have effect with respect to the making of regulations
under subsection (1).

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