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Northern Irish Legislation

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Dust, &c. collected to be vested in the commissioners.

92. The commissioners, if they think fit so to do, may cause any number of
moveable or fixed dust boxes or other conveniences wherein dust and ashes may
be deposited until removed and carried away to be provided and placed in such
of the streets as they shall judge necessary, and may require the occupiers of
houses or tenements within such streets to cause all their dust and ashes to
be deposited daily in the said dust boxes or other conveniences; and every
person who, after such dust boxes or conveniences have been so provided, shall
deposit or cause or permit to be deposited any ashes or dust in any part of
any street, except in some of the said dust boxes or other conveniences, and
every person who shall lay or cause to be laid any dirt, dung, or other filth
in any part of any street, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay a sum
not exceeding [50p].

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