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Northern Irish Legislation

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When building materials are deposited in streets, &c. the same shall be lighted at night, and fenced.

81. When any building materials, rubbish, or other things are laid, or any
hole made, in any of the streets, whether the same be done by order of
the commissioners or not, the person causing such materials or other things to
be so laid, or such hole to be made, shall at his own expence cause a
sufficient light to be fixed in a proper place upon or near the same, and
continue such light every night from sun-setting to sun-rising, while such
materials or hole remain; and such person shall, at his own expence, cause
such materials or other things, and such hole, to be sufficiently fenced and
inclosed, until such materials or other things are removed, or the hole filled
up or otherwise made secure; and every such person who fails so to light,
fence, or inclose such materials or other things, or such hole, shall for
every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding [#20 for a first
offence and #50 for a second or subsequent offence], and a further penalty not
exceeding [#2] for every day while such default is continued.

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