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Northern Irish Legislation

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Notice to be given.

146. Where under this or the special Act any notice is required to be given to
the owner or occupier of any building or land, such notice, addressed to the
owner or occupier thereof, as the case may require, may be served on the
occupier of such building or land, or left with some inmate of his abode, or,
if there be no occupier, may be put up on some conspicuous part of such
building or land; and it shall not be necessary in any such notice to name the
occupier or the owner of such building or land: Provided always, that when the
owner of any such building or land, and his residence, are known to
the commissioners, it shall be the duty of the commissioners, if such owner be
residing within the limits of the special Act, to cause every notice required
to be given to the owner to be served on such owner, or left with some inmate
of his abode; and if such owner be not resident within the limits of the
special Act, they shall send every such notice by the post, addressed to the
residence of such owner.

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