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Northern Irish Legislation

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1953 c.21

136. The commissioners may from time to time by special order as herein
defined, but not otherwise, purchase, rent, or otherwise provide, either
within the limits of the special Act, or at a reasonable distance therefrom,
suitable and convenient land and buildings, in a situation and according to
plans to be approved of by the inspector, to be used for public baths and
wash-houses, and public open bathing places and public drying grounds, for the
use and accommodation of the inhabitants within the limits of the special Act,
in washing and drying clothes and other articles, and may fit up the same
respectively with all requisite and proper conveniences, and from time to time
enlarge, renew, and repair the same respectively, and afford the use thereof
respectively to such inhabitants, at such reasonable charges, and under and
subject to such regulations, as the commissioners may deem expedient; and
every person who offends against any such regulations shall be liable to a
penalty not exceeding [#20] for every such offence.

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