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New slaughter-houses not to be erected without a licence.

128. The commissioners shall from time to time, by byelaws, to be made and
confirmed in the manner herein-after provided, make regulations for the
licensing, registering, and inspection of the said... knackers' yards, and
preventing cruelty therein, and for keeping the same in a cleanly and proper
state, and for removing filth at least once in every twenty-four hours and
requiring them to be provided with a sufficient supply of water, and they may
impose pecuniary penalties on persons breaking such byelaws; provided that no
such penalty exceed for any one offence the sum of five pounds, and in the
case of a continuing nuisance the sum of [50p] for every day during which such
nuisance shall be continued after the conviction for the first offence.

[The foregoing provisions of this section, [so far as they relate to the
prevention of cruelty in knackers' yards], shall have effect in relation to
slaughter-houses as they have effect in relation to knackers' yards.][

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