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Appointment of officer of health.

12. The commissioners may, if they think fit, appoint, subject to the
prescribed approval, or, where no approval is prescribed, subject to the
approval of one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, a person of
competent skill and experience, who shall be styled "The Officer of Health,"
whose duty it shall be to ascertain the existence of diseases within the
limits of the special Act, especially epidemics and contagious diseases, and
to point out any nuisances or other local causes likely to cause and continue
such diseases, or otherwise injure the health of the inhabitants, and to point
out the best means for checking or preventing the spread of such diseases
within the limits aforesaid, and also the best means for the ventilation of
churches, chapels, schools, registered lodging houses, and other public
buildings within the limits aforesaid, and from time to time, as required by
the commissioners, to report to them upon the matters aforesaid, and to
perform any other duties of a like nature which may be required of him; and
the commissioners, with the same approval which is necessary for the
appointment of the officer of health, shall fix the salary to be paid to such
officer, and shall pay such salary out of the rates to be levied under this or
the special Act; and the commissioners, with the like approval, may
discontinue such office, or remove any such officer of health.

Ss.1318 rep. by 1973 NI 2 art.60(2) sch.4

And with respect to taking lands, and the compensation to be made by
the commissioners for damage done by them in execution of the powers of this
and the special Act:

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