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Application of law as to lights and signals for carrying into effect Articles five and six of Convention.

5.(1) It is hereby declared that the enactments of the Merchant Shipping Act,
1862, and the enactments amending the same, touching regulations as to lights
and to signals and for the avoiding of collisions, shall extend to authorise
regulations for carrying into effect Articles five and six of the schedule to
this Act, within as well as without the territorial waters of Her Majesty's
dominions, and regulations may be made, applied, altered, and revoked, and the
contravention thereof punished accordingly under the said enactments, and
section six of the Sea Fisheries Act, 1883, shall extend to the enforcement of
the said regulations as regards sea fishing boats within the limits of that

(2) If any vessel engaged in the laying or repairing of a submarine cable to
which the Convention for the time being applies, interferes contrary to the
said regulations or articles with any vessel engaged in fishing, or if the
operations of any vessel in connexion with any such submarine cable are
wilfully delayed so as to interfere with sea fishing, the master of the
vessel, or the owner thereof, if it appear that he was in fault, shall be
deemed guilty of a breach of the said regulations and may be punished

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