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Northern Irish Legislation

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Bodies politic, &c. may agree for the sale of lands, &c.

18. It shall be lawful for all bodies politic or corporate, ecclesiastical or
civil, and ... trustees for charitable or other public purposes, and for all
tenants for life and tenants in tail, and for the ..., guardians, trustees,
committees, curators or attorneys of such of the owners or proprietors of or
persons interested in any such lands, buildings, or other hereditaments so
surveyed and marked out as shall be ..., infants, lunatics, idiots, or persons
beyond the seas, or otherwise incapable of acting for themselves, to contract
and agree with such principal officers, either for the absolute sale of such
lands, buildings, or other hereditaments, or for the grant of any lease,
either for any term of years certain therein, or for such period as the
exigence of the public service shall require, and to convey, ..., demise, and
grant the same to such principal officers, in trust for Her Majesty
accordingly; and all such contracts, sales, conveyances, ..., leases, and
agreements shall be valid and effectual in law to all intents and purposes

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