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Northern Irish Legislation

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Duties, &c. transferred to new office.

7. From and after the abolition of the said offices, and so soon as the
appointment of a paymaster general shall have been made under the authority of
this Act by His Majesty, all the interest, titles, powers, authorities,
privileges, and duties now exercised by or vested, either by law or usage, in
any of the said offices so abolished, shall be and the same are hereby
declared to be transferred to, exercised by, and vested in the said paymaster
general in as full and ample a manner to all intents and purposes as they were
exercised by or vested in the persons holding the said offices so abolished,
except only so far as any of such interests, titles, powers, authorities,
privileges, and duties are or shall be by this Act controlled, diminished, or

Ss.8, 9 rep. by SLR 1874. Ss.10, 11 rep. by SLR 1890; SL(R) 1977. S.12 rep. by
SLR 1874

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