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Appeal from decision on investigation as to shipping casualties.

66.[Where, on any investigation or inquiry under the provisions of Part VI of
the principal Act, as applied by the Merchant Shipping (Diving Operations)
Regulations 1975, the court finds that a casualty to which those Regulations
apply has been caused or contributed to by the wrongful act or default of any
person, and an application for rehearing has not been made under section 475
of the principal Act as applied by those Regulations, or has been refused, the
owner or operator of the ship, or any other person who, having an interest in
the investigation or inquiry, has appeared at the hearing and is affected by
the decision of the court, may appeal from the decision in the same manner and
subject to the same conditions in and subject to which a master may appeal
under that section against a decision with respect to the cancelling or
suspension of his certificate.]][

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