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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MERCHANT SHIPPING ACT 1906

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50.(1) The Board of Trade in conjunction with the Commissioners of Customs,
may make regulations enabling the Board of Trade to refuse the registry of any
ship by the name by which it is proposed to register that ship if it is
already the name of a registered British ship or a name so similar as to be
calculated to deceive, and may by those regulations require notice to be given
in such manner as may be directed by the regulations before the name of the
ship is marked on the ship, or before the name of the ship is entered in the

(2) If the registry of a ship by the name by which it is proposed to register
that ship is refused by the Board of Trade, or if any requirements of the
regulations are not complied with in the case of any ship which it is proposed
to register, that ship shall not be registered under the name proposed or
until the regulations are complied with, as the case may be.

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