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Northern Irish Legislation

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8. Subs.(1)(3) rep. by 1969 c.35 (NI) s.62 sch.4 Pt.I

(4) Nothing in this section shall prejudice the rights of any person entitled
to the whole or any part of the percentage provided for in sub-section (3) of
section thirteen of the Irish Land Act, 1903; and upon registration of a
merging order the second proviso to the said sub-section (3) shall in its
application to the land to which the merging order relates have effect as if
the reference therein to twenty-five per cent. of any rent, purchase money or
other net profit received by the Ministry upon a disposal of mining rights by
the Ministry were a reference to twenty-five per cent. of any rent, purchase
money or other net profit in respect of mines or minerals received by the
registered owner or other person interested in the land upon a disposal of
mining rights by that owner or other person.

Subs.(5) rep. by 1969 c.35 (NI) s.62 sch.4 Pt.I

(6) The Ministry shall keep a separate register of all merging orders, and
that register

(a)shall specify, by reference to the appropriate land registry folio, the
lands to which the respective merging orders relate; and

(b)shall be open to public inspection, without charge, during normal office

Ss.917 rep. by 1962 c.30 (NI) s.7(9) sch.1 Pt.I; 1969 c.35 (NI) s.62 sch.4

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