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Northern Irish Legislation

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Procedure, appeals and costs.

8.(1) The jurisdiction of the Lands Tribunal may be exercised by any one or
more than one of its members and references to the Lands Tribunal shall be
construed accordingly.

(2) Where the Lands Tribunal consists of more than one member, the member or
members who is or are to deal with any case shall be selected by the

(3) Where at any time before giving a decision in any proceedings being heard
by him a member of the Lands Tribunal is of opinion that the proceedings
should be heard and determined by him with another member or other members of
the Tribunal, such proceedings may be adjourned and the adjourned proceedings
shall be heard, or re-heard, and determined by such member or members as may
be selected by the President.

(4) Where a case is dealt with by two or more members of the Lands Tribunal

(a)if the President is one of them he shall preside at the hearing and, if he
is not, he shall nominate one of them to preside at the hearing;

(b)a decision shall be taken, in the event of a difference between the members
dealing with the case, by the votes of the majority, and, in the event of an
equality of votes, the person presiding at the hearing shall have a second or
casting vote.

(5) Subject to subsection (6) a decision of the Lands Tribunal shall be final.

(6) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Lands Tribunal as being
erroneous on a point of law may require the Lands Tribunal to state and sign a
case for the decision of the Court of Appeal and, where the decision of the
Lands Tribunal is given on a review by way of appeal from the previous
decision or determination of another person, that person if dissatisfied with
the decision of the Lands Tribunal shall be treated for this purpose as a
person aggrieved thereby.

(7) Subject to sections 9 and 10 and any other transferred provision, the
Lands Tribunal may order that the costs, or any part of the costs, of any
proceedings before it incurred by any party shall be paid by any other party
and may tax or settle the amount of any costs to be paid under any such order
or direct in what manner they are to be taxed or settled.

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