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Northern Irish Legislation

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Savings in relation to Part I.

11.(1) The transfer of any jurisdiction to the Lands Tribunal under this Part
shall not affect the principles on which any question is to be determined or
the persons on whom the determination is binding, or any provision which
requires particular matters to be expressly dealt with or embodied in the
determination, or which relates to evidence and is not contained in the
Acquisition of Land Act, but nothing in this subsection shall prejudice or
affect the operation of Part II of this Act.

(2) The transfer to the Lands Tribunal by section 6(5) or by an order made
under section 7 of any jurisdiction conferred on some other tribunal or person
by an instrument made under any Act shall not be taken as affecting the power
by virtue of which that instrument was made, and the provision conferring that
power shall accordingly have effect as from the transfer as if it directed the
jurisdiction to be exercised by the Lands Tribunal as provided under this Act,
except in so far as provision to the contrary is thereafter made in pursuance
of the said power.

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