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Northern Irish Legislation

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81.(1) Every register shall be kept open for public inspection during the
hours for which the Land Registry remains open for the transaction of public
business and, subject to Land Registry Rules, any person may search therein,
and shall be entitled, on making application to the Registrar in such form as
may be prescribed, to receive copies of, or extracts from, so much of the
appropriate register as relates to the land specified in such application.

(2) Land Registry Rules may provide for applications to the Registrar for
official searches in any register, for the carrying out of such searches, for
the issuing of certificates of the result of such searches and for matters
connected therewith.

(3) Where the Registrar is satisfied that the person to whom a certificate of
the result of an official search is issued has entered into a contract to
purchase, or take a lease of, or lend money on the security of a charge on,
the land to which the certificate relates, the Registrar shall, at the request
of that person, make an entry in the appropriate register in such manner as
may be prescribed.

(4) In any case referred to in subsection (3), an application for registration
of the document to complete the contract shall, if the application is in order
and is delivered at the central office within a period of fourteen days after
the date of issue of the certificate (or within such shorter period as may be
prescribed), rank in priority before any other application for registration
made in respect of the land within that period.

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