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Facilities for registration of Crown Land.

77.(1) With respect to any land vested in Her Majesty, either in right of the
Crown or otherwise, or vested in any public officer or body in trust for the
public service, the public officer or body having the management thereof, if
any, or, if none, then such person as Her Majesty may, by writing under the
sign manual, appoint, may represent the owner of the land for all the purposes
of this Act and may be registered with such special description of the nature
of the ownership as may be prescribed.

(2) The public officer or body referred to in subsection (1), or the person
appointed under that subsection, shall be entitled

(a)to receive such notices;

(b)to make and enter any such application or caution; and

(c)to do all such other acts;

(3) For the purpose of any law or custom relating to Her Majesty in right of
the Crown, the registration of land in any register under this Act shall be
deemed to be a matter of record, and shall have the same effect as, and shall
render unnecessary, the registration of that land in a court of record or in
any office of the High Court.

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