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72.(1) The registration under this Act of the ownership of any estate in land
shall, on and after the date of registration, exempt that estate, and, if a
person is registered as limited owner thereof, any estate expectant on the
determination of his ownership, from the provisions of the Registration of
Deeds Acts, and, subject to subsection (2), a document relating to any such
estate and executed or coming into operation after that date shall not, unless
it also relates to unregistered land, be registrable in the registry of deeds.

(2) The registration under this Act of the ownership of any estate in land
shall not have the effect of exempting from registration in the registry of
deeds any document relating to the title to any other estate in the land
(other than a deed creating such estate), unless the title to such other
estate is otherwise required to be registered or is registered under this Act.

(3) Where any freehold or leasehold estate is first registered under this Act,
a notice of the registration, in such form as may be prescribed, shall be
given to the Registrar of Deeds, who shall forthwith register the same,
without the payment of any fee for so doing, and file it as a memorial.

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