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The Insurance Fund.

70.(1) The Insurance Fund established by section 92 of the Act of 1891 shall
be deemed to have been established by this section and shall continue in force
subject to the provisions of this Act.

(2) There shall be paid into the Insurance Fund such proportion, if any, of
the fees taken under this Act as the Ministry may direct.

(3) The Insurance Fund shall be operated, and the funds therein vested, in
such manner as the Ministry may direct.

(4) If the Insurance Fund is at any time insufficient to pay any compensation
which is, by this Act, required to be paid out of that Fund, such deficiency
shall be defrayed by the Ministry.

(5) Any sums defrayed by the Ministry pursuant to subsection (4) shall, as
soon as practicable, be repaid, in such manner as the Ministry may direct, out
of any moneys subsequently standing to the credit of the Insurance Fund.

(6) The accounts of the Insurance Fund shall be kept and audited by such
persons and in such manner as the Ministry may direct.

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