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Northern Irish Legislation

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Power for trustee to apply to the court for directions.

57.(1) Where a trustee or other person acting in a fiduciary capacity is in
doubt as to the person who ought to be registered pursuant to this Act, or as
to any other matter with respect to which he is required or authorised to act
by or under this Act, he may apply to the court for directions.

(2) The costs properly incurred by a trustee or other person acting in a
fiduciary capacity (including a limited owner exercising powers conferred on
him by or under the Settled Land Acts or this Act) in, or in connection with,
any proceeding or application required or authorised by or under this Act
shall be costs properly incurred by him in the execution of his trust or duty,
and may, in the case of a proceeding before, or an application to,
the Registrar, be ascertained and decided by the Registrar.

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