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Words of transfer.

35.(1) Subject to subsection (2) and to section 34(3)

(a)a document of transfer of a registered freehold estate without
words of limitation shall be construed as passing the fee simple, or other the
whole estate which the transferor had power to transfer, unless a contrary
intention appears in the document of transfer;

(b)a document of transfer of a registered freehold estate to a corporation
sole by his corporate designation without the word "successors" shall be
construed as passing the fee simple, or other the whole estate which the
transferor had power to transfer, unless a contrary intention appears in the
document of transfer;

(c)in a document of transfer of any registered land, a resulting use or trust
for the transferor shall not be implied merely by reason that the property is
not expressed to be transferred to the use or benefit of the transferee; and

(d)[without prejudice to Article 10 of the Property (Northern Ireland) Order
1978] a registered owner of a freehold estate may transfer estates therein to
several persons in succession, including himself, and co-registered owners of
a freehold estate may transfer estates therein to themselves, without the
necessity of a grant to uses or the creation of a trust for that purpose.

(2) Subsection (1) shall apply only to documents of transfer executed after
the commencement of this Act.

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