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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LAND REGISTRATION ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1970

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Production of deeds, etc.

30.(1) When an application has been made to the Registrar which requires the
examination of any title to land, then, if any person has in his possession or
custody any document or evidence of title relating to or affecting that title,
to the production of which the applicant or any trustee for him is entitled,
the Registrar may require that person to show cause, within a specified time,
why he should not produce such document or evidence of title to the Registrar,
or otherwise as the Registrar may think fit.

(2) Unless, in such case, cause is shown to the satisfaction of the Registrar
within the time specified, he may order the document or evidence of title to
be produced, at the expense of the applicant, at such time and place, and in
such manner and on such terms, as the Registrar thinks fit.

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