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Northern Irish Legislation

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27.(1) Where a registered leasehold estate is, under any statutory provision,
converted into an estate in fee simple, whether or not subject to a fee farm
rent, or where such estate becomes merged in the freehold or in a superior
leasehold or has otherwise been extinguished, the Registrar shall, on
application in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be
prescribed, and on such examination of title as is required by this Act or as
may be prescribed

(a)cancel the entry in the register of leaseholders relating to the estate
which has been so converted, merged or extinguished, having first entered a
note of the reason for such closure; and

(b)if a superior title has been acquired under this subsection but has not
been registered, register such title in such register and with such class of
title as, after due examination of the title, appears to the Registrar to be

(2) Until the entry in the register of leaseholders has been cancelled
pursuant to subsection (1)(a) and, where necessary, until the superior title
has been registered pursuant to subsection (1)(b), the owner of the superior
estate shall not, under the provisions of this Act, have any further or other
title to the land than he would have had if the leasehold estate had not been
converted or, as the case may be, merged or extinguished.

Examination of title by Registrar.

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