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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LAND REGISTRATION ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1970

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Qualified title to freehold estate.

18.(1) If, on an application for first registration of any person as full or
limited owner of a freehold estate with an absolute title or a good fee farm
grant title, it appears to the Registrar, on examination of the applicant's
title to that estate, that the title can be established only for a limited
period, or only subject to certin qualifications, the Registrar may, by an
entry made on the register, except from the effect of registration any estate

(a)arising before a specified date; or

(b)arising under a specified document; or

(c)otherwise particularly described in the register;

(2) The first registration of a person as full or limited owner of a freehold
estate with a qualified title shall have the same effect as first registration
with an absolute title or, as the case may be, with a good fee farm grant
title, save that first registration with a qualified title shall not prejudice
or affect the enforcement of any estate appearing from the register to be

Application for first registration of leasehold estate.

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