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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LEASEHOLD (ENLARGEMENT AND EXTENSION) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1971

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Assistance of Commissioner of Valuation to Lands Tribunal.

24.(1) If any dispute, question or difficulty arises in regard to the
acquisition of the fee simple or any other estate in land under this Act, the
purchase price thereof, the apportionment of a rent under or for the purposes
of this Act or the grant of an extension of a lease under this Act, costs or
expenses incurred under this Act, compliance by a person with a provision of
this Act or any other matter arising under this Act, any person concerned may
apply to the Lands Tribunal to have the matter determined.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the Lands Tribunal

(a)determine the person, if any, entitled to acquire the fee simple in land
under this Act;

(b)determine the purchase price to be paid in respect of the acquisition;

(c)determine the person or persons entitled to receive the purchase money in
respect of the acquisition and the amount which each person is entitled to

(d)determine if a person is entitled to have a rent apportioned under
section 8;

(e)apportion (whether under the said section 8 or otherwise for the purposes
of this Act) any rent payable in respect of land part of which is land the
fee simple in which is being acquired under this Act;

(f)determine the rent payable under an extended lease granted for the purposes
of this Act;

(g)determine any other matter which the Lands Tribunal is required to
determine under any provision of this Act.

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