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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> JUSTICES PROTECTION (IRELAND) ACT 1849

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Where justice acts under order of High Court.

5. ... In all cases where a justice or justices of the peace shall refuse to
do any act relating to the duties of his or their office as such justice or
justices, it shall be lawful for the party requiring such act to be done to
apply to [the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland], upon an affidavit of
the facts for a rule, calling upon such justice or justices, and also the
party to be affected by such act, to show cause why such act should not be
done; and if after due service of such rule good cause shall not be shown
against it, the said court may make the same absolute, with or without or upon
payment of costs, as to them shall seem meet; and the said justice or justices
upon being served with such rule absolute shall obey the same, and shall do
the act required; and no action or proceeding whatsoever shall be commenced or
prosecuted against such justice or justices for having obeyed such rule, and
done such act so thereby required as aforesaid.

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