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Northern Irish Legislation

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Returning officers to have access to ""the Jurors List'' and all names to be returned from such books.

17. Where any precept for the return of jurors shall be issued to any coroner,
elisor, or other officer, he shall have free access to "the [Jurors List]" ...
for the current year, or for the preceding year, as he may require; and no
sheriff or other officer shall in answer to any precept ... return the name of
any person not contained in "the [Jurors List]" ... for the year current on
the day named in such precept for such return: Provided always, that if there
shall be no ["Jurors List"] ... in existence for such current year, it shall
be lawful to return jurors from "the [Jurors List]" ... for the next preceding
year, and if any person or persons whose names shall not be contained in such
["Jurors List"] ... shall be returned and sworn as a juror or jurors upon any
trial without objection, such trial shall not be interrupted or deemed a
mistrial, nor shall the verdict thereon be impeached or questioned on account
of the return of such juror or jurors.

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