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Northern Irish Legislation

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30.(1) Where an enactment directs that a transferred provision is to be
reprinted, that provision shall be reprinted with

(a)the addition of any words added thereto;

(b)the substitution of any words substituted therein;

(c)the omission of any words repealed therein;

(2) For the purpose of reprinting any transferred provision, the Clerk of the
Parliaments shall prepare and certify a copy of that provision, with the
additions, substitutions and omissions referred to in the preceding
sub-section, and with the sections, sub-sections and paragraphs numbered in
accordance with the transferred provision which makes the addition or
substitution, as the case may be, and with any renumbering, and any alteration
of references, cross-headings and marginal notes and with such other
modifications necessarily consequential on the amendments so made and may add
thereto such footnotes and additional references as appear to him necessary or
desirable to assist in explaining the reprint.

(3) The Queen's Printer shall print in accordance with the copy as certified
all copies of the enactment to be reprinted which are printed after the
passing of the enactment directing the reprint.

(4) The Speakers of both Houses of Parliament may by joint order direct that
any transferred provision shall be reprinted in accordance with the foregoing
sub-sections and where such order is made these sub-sections shall apply as if
an enactment had directed that provision to be reprinted.

(5) Where a transferred provision is reprinted pursuant to an order made under
sub-section (4), the fact that it is so reprinted shall be stated on the

Enactment always speaking.

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