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Payment of compensation.

17.(1) Compensation shall be payable by the Ministry

(a)to the person interested in the property, in respect of any damage caused
to any property consequent on the exercise of any power conferred by this Act
on the Ministry or the Historic Monuments Council, or by any person authorised
by the Ministry or the Council under section 16, or in the doing of anything
for the purpose of which such a power was conferred;

(b)to the person whose private right of property is interfered with, where,
under the powers conferred by this Act on the Ministry or the
Historic Monuments Council, any private right of property is interfered with.

(2) Any question of disputed compensation under this section shall be referred
to and determined by the Lands Tribunal for Northern Ireland.

(3) In determining any compensation under this section, regard shall be had to
any sums which may be payable under section 8.

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