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Northern Irish Legislation

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General dealers to report stolen goods.

6.(1) If any articles, with respect to which information in writing is given
by any police constable to a general dealer that they have been stolen,
embezzled or fraudulently obtained, are then in, or subsequently come into,
the possession of the dealer, he shall as soon as may be give information to a
police constable that articles answering to the description of the said
articles are in his possession, and shall also state the name and address
given by the person from whom the articles were received.

(2) If any general dealer contravenes the provisions of this section he shall
be liable for each offence on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding
[#100]: Provided that, in the case of articles which it may be difficult to
trace out and identify, no fine shall be imposed under this section, unless it
appears to the court that the articles were knowingly concealed by the dealer.

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