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Northern Irish Legislation

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General dealers to retain articles for seven days after having received them.

3.(1) Every article purchased or received by a general dealer shall be kept by
him in his shop, or other place where his ordinary business is carried on, for
seven days from the date on which it was so purchased or received, unless in
the meantime he shall, on giving twenty-four hours previous notice to the
licensing authority, have received from that authority permission to dispose
of such article.

(2) Every general dealer shall attach to each article a ticket or label with
the date of purchase or receipt written thereon.

(3) Every general dealer shall, when required so to do by a police constable,
produce to him any such article before the expiration of the said period of
seven days.

(4) If any general dealer fails to comply with any requirement of this section
he shall be liable for each offence on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding [#50].

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