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Declaration by Proof Master and Assistant Proof Masters of Guardians.

99. A person shall not be capable of acting as Proof Master, Deputy Proof
Master, or Assistant Proof Master of the Guardians unless and until he has
made and signed before one of the Guardians a declaration to the effect

" solemnly declare that I will, so long as I continue Proof Master [or
Deputy Proof Master or Assistant Proof Master] of the Guardians of the
Birmingham Proof House, well and faithfully behave myself in that Office, and
prove all barrels brought to me for that purpose according to the rules and
regulations and the Scale of Proof from time to time in force under "The
Gun Barrel Proof Act 1868," and that I will not during the time that I
continue such Proof Master [or Deputy Proof Master or Assistant Proof Master]
take any fee or reward from any person to prove or for having proved any
barrel otherwise than as that Act directs, and that I will execute that office
without favour or affection, prejudice or malice, and to the best of my skill
and ability.'


Ss.100105 rep. by 1978 c.9 s.8(2) sch.4

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