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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> GUN BARREL PROOF ACT 1868

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But provisional proof on military barrels converted may be removed by Proof Master, &c.

113. Provided always, that whenever any barrel proved and marked as proved
provisionally by either of the Two Companies under the recited Act or
this Act, and not being a breech loader, is brought to the Proof House or a
Branch Proof House of the respective Company by which the barrel was
originally so marked, accompanied by a statement in writing made or purporting
to be made by or on behalf of the owner or owners of the barrel that the same
is intended to be converted into a breech loader, the Proof Master of the
Gunmakers Company, or the duly appointed officers in that behalf of that
Company, or, as the case may be, the Proof Master or Assistant Proof Masters
of the Guardians, may efface all existing proof marks from the barrel, and,
where it is not necessary that the barrel be again submitted to provisional
proof, may and shall impress a new provisional proof mark at a proper and
convenient distance higher up on the barrel, without subjecting the barrel to
any further provisional proof.

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