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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> GUN BARREL PROOF ACT 1868

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The Two Companies to receive, prove, mark, and deliver barrels brought to them for proof.

107. The Two Companies respectively shall receive all barrels in the proper
state for proof, and whether or not theretofore proved, brought to their
respective Proof House, or, subject to any limitation of the right of user for
the time being in force under this Act, to any Branch Proof House for the time
being provided by them respectively, and shall duly prove such barrels at such
Proof House or Branch Proof House according to the rules, regulations, and
scales in force under this Act, and shall duly mark such barrels when proved
(if found of proof) as duly proved according to such rules, regulations, and
scales, and upon repayment of all sums actually paid by the Two Companies
respectively in respect of the carriage of such barrels, and their delivery at
such Proof House or Branch Proof House, and their re-delivery when proved, and
on payment of the charges for proving and marking as proved by this Act
authorized, shall deliver the barrels so proved and marked as proved to the
person or persons entitled to receive the same.

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