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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> GAMING ACT 1845

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Contracts by way of gaming to be void, and wagers or sums deposited with stakeholders not to be recoverable at law.

18. All contracts or agreements, whether by parole or in writing, by way of
gaming or wagering, shall be null and void; and no suit shall be brought or
maintained in any court of law or equity for recovering any sum of money or
valuable thing alleged to be won upon any wager, or which shall have been
deposited in the hands of any person to abide the event on which any wager
shall have been made: Provided always, that this enactment shall not be deemed
to apply to any subscription or contribution, or agreement to subscribe or
contribute, for or towards any plate, prize, or sum of money to be awarded to
the winner or winners of any lawful game, sport, pastime, or exercise.

S.19 rep. by SLR 1892. S.20 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954

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