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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FRIENDLY SOCIETIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1970

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Charitable subscriptions and contributions to other registered societies.

44.(1) A registered society or branch may subscribe out of its funds to any
hospital, infirmary, charitable or provident institution, any annual or other
sum which may be necessary to secure to members of the society or branch and
their families the benefits of the hospital, infirmary or other institution.

(2) In accordance with its rules, a registered society or branch may
contribute to the funds and take part by delegates or otherwise in the
government of any other registered society or registered branch of a society
without becoming a branch under this Act of that other society or branch.

(3) A registered society or branch shall not withdraw from contributing to the
funds of a medical society, that is to say, a society for the purpose of
relief in sickness by providing medical attendance and medicine, except on
three months' notice to the medical society and on payment of all
contributions accrued or accruing due to the date of the expiry of the notice.

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