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Audit of exempt societies and branches.

25.(1) Subject to any direction given by the registrar under subsection (2),
every registered society or branch which is an exempt society or an
exempt branch in respect of the current year of account shall, in that year,
appoint at its option either

(a)a qualified auditor or qualified auditors, or

(b)two or more persons who are not qualified auditors,

(2) The registrar may give a direction in the case of any particular society
or branch which is an exempt society or branch in respect of
the current year of account requiring it to appoint a qualified auditor to
audit its accounts and balance sheet for that year.

(3) The registrar may give a direction in the case of any particular society
or branch which was an exempt society or branch in respect of any
year of account before that in which the direction is given and did not
appoint a qualified auditor or qualified auditors to audit its accounts and
balance sheet for that year

(a)requiring it to appoint a qualified auditor to audit those accounts and
that balance sheet, and

(b)in a case where that society or branch has sent to him its annual return
for that year before the date of the direction, requiring it, after its
accounts and balance sheet have been audited by a qualified auditor, to send
to him within three months from receipt of the direction a further
annual return complying with the requirements of this Act (other than that
requirement as to the time of sending).

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